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30 Days To Achieve Pure Confidence, For Clients, Coaches & Clinicians

Chady Elias (Author), PhD Marie Dezelic (Foreword), PsyD Gabriel Ghanoum (Contributor), Marie Toole (Contributor)
Confidence Affirmationsis a book designed to help you develop unshakeable self-confidence in just 30 days. This compact, powerful book is packed with specific affirmations that will enrich all aspects of your life with confidence; and you can start using them right away to begin building the confidence you deserve and will create.
This Confidence book is designed as a guide for your daily practice. Inside, you will find daily affirmations and unique visualization exercises, with a daily tracker, and a weekly progress tracker to easily keep track of what you have completed.
Challenge yourself to one month of daily affirmations to build, boost, create, and exude your Confidence. Your Confidence is waiting for YOU!
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